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Where are ordinary isolation clothes used?

2022-05-10 15:56:16

Where are ordinary isolation clothes used?

The use places of ordinary isolation clothes are pre inspection, triage and fever clinic.

Isolation clothing is protective clothing, which is used to protect medical personnel from blood, body fluid and other infectious substances, or to protect recruiters from infection. The isolation clothes shall be opened at the back to cover all clothes and exposed skin.

Isolation clothing is often used in operations where blood and body fluid splashing may occur, when contacting patients with infectious diseases and multi drug resistant bacteria transmitted by contact; And the protective isolation of patients with large-area burns and bone marrow transplantation. Most of the isolation clothes used in the clinic are made of cloth, which can not be discarded once.


Precautions for use of isolation clothing:

1. When cleaning vomit for HIV infected persons, medical personnel may be contaminated by vomit of patients, so they need to wear gloves and isolation clothes.

2. Multiple drug-resistant bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) are mainly transmitted by contact. Therefore, patients with multiple drug-resistant bacteria should be isolated in a single room or treated with the same pathogen. They should wear protective glasses when performing close-up operations such as sputum aspiration and endotracheal intubation, and wear protective clothing when they may contaminate work clothes.

3. In the morning care for patients with diabetes and HBV, the risk of blood and body fluid exposure is low, and it is unnecessary to wear isolation clothes.


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